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Sunday, October 25, 2009

The American Legion Bridge

Last night, I dreamed that they were building townhouses that were attached to the sides of the American Legion Bridge, near the banks of the Potomac River, on both the Maryland and Virginia sides. And it was really messing up traffic with all the construction, and as I was driving across the bridge, I thought to myself, if the middle of the bridge collapsed, all the houses would come down, too.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Aunt Died

Last night, I had a dream that my recently married cousin (who is probably my closest cousin, because we get along so well and are so much alike), was hanging out with me, when she nonchalantly turned to me and said “by the way, my mom died last night in a car accident.”  And then she turned back to whatever she was doing, as if it didn't matter, while I sat beside her, shell-shocked.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Austin Powers Is Sexy?

Last night, in my dream, I was chasing Austin Powers, because I WANTED him. I finally trapped him in a hotel room, and to give the room atmosphere, I started turning off the lights. But the lights were endless. Every time I thought I had the last one, I realized there was another I had missed. I finally gave up on the lights and seductively went to him in my negligée, where he appeared scared and nervous. There the dream ended.

*Note: I have not watched any of the Austin Powers movies in years.


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My name is Jennifer and this is my dream diary. You'll probably think my dreams are weird; I know I do! I have been having very vivid, clear dreams my entire life, some which I still remember from when I was a child. I always dream in color, and frequently, though I don't update this blog as frequently as I'd like to.

Of note: I suffer from very mild depression and anxiety disorder, so I'm sure both have a lot to do with that, especially the latter. Death or near-death appears to be a common theme.

I hope if you take the time to read this, you find it interesting at least. I decided to begin documenting my dreams to figure out why I remember them with such clarity and others do not. Please feel free to comment and leave feedback!